Can New Immigrants Learn English Quickly? Yes, if You Follow This Advice

Immigrants Learn English - Immigrant Support Center

Arriving in a new country as a new immigrant can be stressful. Everything is different, from the food to the language. If you’re new to the USA, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the changes around you.

One of the most important, and also easiest, things you can do is to learn to speak English as quickly as possible. Once you are able to acquire the language skills, you will find it much easier to adapt and make the transition to your new home.

While it may seem daunting, there are actually quite a few things you can do to develop your English proficiency quickly. Of course, there is no magic bullet— it is going to take a lot of hard work on your part. But even if you only dedicate 30 minutes a day to learning to speak English, you’ll be surprised by how much progress you can make in just a few weeks.

And what does quickly mean? It depends on a few factors, such as your starting level, the time you allocate to learning and practicing each day, and the willingness to accept that you are going to make lots of mistakes.


How Fast Can You Learn to Speak English Fluently?

There are a few benchmarks when if comes to measuring whether you can consider yourself a fluent speaker:

  1. If you are not afraid to ask random strangers a question;
  2. If you can carry on regular conversations
  3. Can you speak on the phone with a native English speaker?

Simply put, if you can interact with native speakers and be able to enjoy the conversation, you have achieved real fluency.

Fluency is not defined as reading literature or understanding college or professional lectures perfectly. Those are more advanced materials that you must go through specialized training or education to master. In this article, we focus on what you can do you reach English proficiency, or “general fluency”, as fast as possible.

How long until I can achieve English Proficiency?

A total beginner who has just emigrated to the USA and whose native language does not use an alphabetic system, such as some Asian languages, will likely need at least a year or two of hard work to become fluent. It will take longer if he or she is to speak, read and write on more advanced levels.

If you already have an intermediate background in English or if your native language uses an alphabetic system, such as French or Spanish, it is possible that you can learn to speak English in a much shorter time period.

So now, let us list out some advice that can help you save hundreds of hours and learn English language skills more efficiently.


Should I use an English Language Exchange Partner?

One common piece of advice you will hear from many different sources is to find a language exchange partner. If you are not familiar with the term, it is someone who is either a native or fluent speaker volunteering to speak with you in English, in exchange for you to speak with them in your own native language,

Experience tells us that, while this is a cost-effective way to learn, it will only work if you are still in your home country preparing for the move to the U.S. Once you are physically in the country, there is a good chance that it may no longer be the case.

We have heard many similar stories from new immigrants: once they have moved to the US, they would become too busy adapting to the new environment and no longer have the time to engage in language exchanges. Another concern is that not all partners would be as keen to help you improve your English, which is totally reasonable as they are not getting paid for this. So again, while language exchange partner can be a useful source, it may not work for everyone.

Later, we will talk about ways to find people who have more incentive to help you succeed.


How Can New Immigrants Learn English? Tips For Beginner-Level English Learners

As a beginner, you will focus on basic grammar and sentence structure. Most of what you will learn will be rule-based and have lots of repetition and memorization.

If you aren’t a child attending kindergarten or elementary school, it is difficult to improve your English skills without proper guidance and instructions.

As a beginner, you need to focus on basic grammar and sentence structure. Most of what you will learn will be rule-based and have lots of repetition and memorization.

For most immigrants, it is easy to find English classes in their towns and cities. To find these classes, simply search for “English classes for immigrants near me” on Google and there should be plenty of options.

Being in a class is often the best and most effective way to learn, as you will get to regularly hear how native speakers communicate and receive immediate feedback on your grammar and pronunciation.

Online English Courses for Immigrants

Searching online for English courses will reveal many free and paid options.

Consider the following points when choosing a course.

  1. Make sure all teachers are native US speakers.
  2. What level are you looking for?
  3. Does the course cover many topics with full units of lessons? Avoid unfinished courses that suddenly stop at a lesson
  4. What additional materials come with the course?
  5. Are there any 1 on 1 class or interactive tutor options for you to practice with a native speaker?
  6. Price is not always associated with quality. The company or tutor should have a passion for you to succeed in learning and one day no longer need their service.
Tips For Intermediate Level English Learners

How Can New Immigrants Learn English? Tips For Intermediate-Level English Learners

We recommended you use the same basic tools outlined above for beginners. However, as an intermediate-level learner, you may want to consider increasing the number of classes you have or adding some 1-on-1 tutoring to speed up your learning. As you begin to do less repetition of basic material and instead focus more on forming sentences to answer topics.

You will also begin to listen to native speaker conversations, though at slower speeds.

In addition, you should try to speak English every chance you get. This is the only way to speed up your learning.

Lastly, we recommend that you change your tutor every 6 months. This way, you can be exposed to different accents, talking styles, speeds, and phrases. Staying with the same tutor may be comfortable, but it won’t be beneficial in the long run.

Warning: Unless you have small children whom you need to read stories to, avoid spending too much time reading young children’s books. Many of these words and phrases you find in these words will never be used in adult conversations. You won’t retain these words.

Remember, there is a difference between immigrants learning English as teenagers or adults, and those coming as young children who will be learning the same way as native speakers in school districts across the U.S. do.

Time to practice…

Find Friends with Common Interests and Speak English

One of the easiest – and cheapest – ways to learn is to make friends with native English speakers. If you surround yourself with people who speak English, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start picking it up yourself. Attend social events, go to the local gym, and search the local community interest boards.

Find real friends that share common interests as you. These people will be more patient even if you have to speak slower as you all share other common interests. You will also improve your pronunciation and retention skills because you are learning words that you have a real interest in.

As you improve, these friends will be proud of you and look forward to speaking English with you and what new words you have learned. You will also find they often help you with a word or phrase you stumble on. This is what friends do!

Take Time to Read Books - Immigrant Support Center

Take Time to Read Books

Start with your textbooks or school books designed for immigrants. These books will not only teach you English but also teach you about the culture and social norms in the U.S.

As you become more comfortable with the material in these textbooks, you can start transitioning into books for teenagers or young adults on topics you find interesting. If your goal is to become a U.S. citizen, reading middle school history and civics books will give you a stronger background and understanding of the U.S. government, which will make the citizenship test much easier for you.

Anyone Can Speak English

Learning any new language takes time and effort, but it’s definitely possible for an immigrant to learn English in the USA no matter their age or starting level.

By immersing yourself in the language, taking advantage of resources like classes, and making friends with similar interests, you’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make in just 30 days.